First European Conference for Science Journalist (ECSJ)
- Forfatter: Mads Christensen
- Opdateret: 7 nov, 24
Sharing experience, creating value
Date: Sun. 22 June 2014, 9:00-14:30
Venue: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N
In a time of global media crisis it is also a time of opportunity to be innovative and find new ways for science journalism. This international conference will discuss new ways to improve the status of science in broadcast media, how to start your own science publication, the opportunities of investigative journalism, the ethical balance between science journalism and science communication and new initiatives for improvement of gender balance for science in the media. Meet your colleagues and share your experience!
Organiser by: The Danish Science Journalists Association (DV) and the European Union of Science Journalists Associations (EUSJA)
Sponsored by: The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Otto Mønsted Foundation.
Read more about the conference here
Registration for First European Conference for Science Journalist is mandatory. Free lunch and transport to Carlsberg included. Only ESOF2014 participants in the categories: “PR, Press and Communication” can register for this event.
Please register or modify your registration here